Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My 6th Grade Epiphany

In sixth grade my class was asked to do a book report on animals that live in the rain forest. But we didn't get to pick our animal-I was given the green iguana. My initial reaction was excitement because of my innate love for reptiles, but having to do homework about them wasn't the way I preferred to study them.

It couldn't have turned out better. I can't remember loving a school project so much. Not only did we have to do research and write a book report, we had to create a 3D projection of the animal. This was the fun part because I've always had a love for the arts as well.

Anyway, I'm bringing this grand memory to life on my blog because of the life-long goal/dream it sparked in me. Ever since then, I've always wanted to own a green iguana-buy it as a baby, raise it, and care for it like a child. Come to find out, that's really the kind of care they need. It takes a lot to take on one of these monsters. Without the proper room and care, this would really be an awful pet. So I have yet to live up this goal of mine. But I'm awaiting that day that I can fulfill this childhood dream; the day I can dedicate an entire room in my house to my green iguana.